Am 10.03. ist Natasha Wang bei uns im Studio! Sie ist auf Instagram auch besser bekannt als PoleCricket. Sie fasziniert durch ihre kreativen Combos, super interessanten Grippunkte und wunderschönen Shapes.
Wir haben 3 Workshops für euch raus gesucht die für jedes Level und Interessen geeignet sind. Es können sich alle Interessierten anmelden (auch wenn ihr kein Mitglied seid!)
Kosten je Workshop: 60 € pro Person
Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 14 Personen
Anmeldung: Email an
14:00 – 15:30 “Body Art: Shape-Making for Beginner-Intermediate”
Creative movement on the pole doesn’t have to be reserved for more advance polers. In this workshop, beginner and intermediate-level students learn easy accents, flourishes and techniques to transform simple moves into beautiful and interesting ones. Being able to climb and invert is recommended.
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
15:45 – 17:15 “Let’s Get Dizzy: Signature Spins and Combos”
This spinning pole-only workshop will be constantly updated with Natasha’s favorite spinning tricks and combos. Students will learn wow-inducing dynamic spins, elegant spin passes incorporating strength, flexibility and control, and transitions to link everything together. This workshop is recommended for intermediate/advanced-level students with a good understanding of, and comfort with spin pole.
Level: Intermediate / Advanced
17:30 – 19:00 “POC Lab: Creative Grips & Contact Points”
You have almost 20 feet of surface area on your body. Why not try to use every inch? We’ll explore creative contact points in this workshop so you can unleash movement possibilities you may have never considered.
Level: Intermediate/ Advanced
Einige Fakten über Natasha
Natasha Wang is an L.A.-based performer and instructor who has won the titles of:
• IPC Pole Art Champion 2018
• IPDFA Instructor of the Year 2015
• IPC Ultimate Champion 2013
• Pole Art 2012 Runner-Up
• US Pole Dance Champion 2011
• USPDF West Coast Champion 2010
• California Pole Dance Champion 2010
• East Meets West Miss Pole-AM 2010.
In 2014, Natasha also won “Female Performance Artist of the Year” and “Inspirational Artist of the Year” at the PWN (Pole World News) Awards. As a guest performer, she has appeared on “The View” on ABC, “Good Day L.A.” on FOX, “Amazing Dance” on Hunan TV, and “Day Day Up” on Hunan TV, China’s #1 TV show with over 300 million viewers. She has been a soloist across Mainland China, including at Macau’s China Rouge at the Galaxy Hotel. In 2011, Natasha performed with the Doug Aitken art-theater project “Black Mirror” starring actress Chloe Sevigny. Natasha is sponsored by X-Pole and is a Brand Ambassador for MilaKrasna. She is elevatED Pole- and FlexibilityCertified, and holds certifications from X-Pert, Pole Moves, and Floor Flow. Natasha teaches at BeSpun inLos Angeles, and is a featured instructor with Open Dance Academy and X-Pole TV.